A Band /Singer I like

Thursday, June 25, 2020

A Band /Singer I like

I dont have a favorite Singer or Band, because I listen to a lot of music from all genres, but if i had to choose a group, it would be "TWICE"(For saying something new), although I don´t know the group well and I don´t listen to the songs of this group much, I like their songs, they are a group of women who were selected in a program to belong to this group, debuted in 2015 with their first song "Like OOH-AHH", Belong to the Korean pop genre, I like the group because the songs they have are very catchy an happy, My favorite song is "WHAT IS LOVE", because for me it is very entertaining the song and video of the song.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

A photograph I like

This photo was taken by me , in my vacation this year in Coquimbo, I choose this photo because I like photos of sunsets, or sea. since I find that it is a beautiful landscape that relaxes me when I am there, being a place where I can find peace. On the other hand, it was one of the best vacations i have had because we did many things, going out everywhere and the most important thing is that a very important person in my life, My girlfriend, accompanied me and this photo brings me very nice memories of this vacation.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

My Best Friend

Considering someone as a best friend is very difficult, because  for meI have a lot of friends, but if I have to name someone it would be Pedro, I met him in the school, he was from another class, although during the breaks we played soccer or talked about something, We have been friends for five years, we don´t see each other as much as before but we are still friends. Heis my best friend, because he is very cool and smart, besides he is the one who you ask to go with you and he goes and helps me in difficult times, he is a very good friend. I have not selected a better memory, but each one them was a great, each moment  was a lot laughs.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

My Favorite Piece of Technology

Hello everyone, for me it´s easy to answer about this theme, because I use technology everyday I was born with this, but the one I use the most is the the computer, because for me it´s my favorite piece of technology. the computer I currently haved, It was a gift of my parents at christmas of 2017. I use my computer for a lot of things such as play videogames, watching videos on youtube, search information, study,  watching my social networks, contact with my friends, etc. Practically I use my computer everyday  during all the day as we currently are in quarantine i don´t have  many things to do out of this. I like the computer because it´s easy to use and the number of ways that can serve you in different situations, being very useful. if I did´nt have my computer, it would be very strange for my life because I do everything with the computer it´s my source of entertaiment and learning, but this doesn´t signify that the world ends for me.