A Band /Singer I like

Thursday, June 4, 2020

My Favorite Piece of Technology

Hello everyone, for me it´s easy to answer about this theme, because I use technology everyday I was born with this, but the one I use the most is the the computer, because for me it´s my favorite piece of technology. the computer I currently haved, It was a gift of my parents at christmas of 2017. I use my computer for a lot of things such as play videogames, watching videos on youtube, search information, study,  watching my social networks, contact with my friends, etc. Practically I use my computer everyday  during all the day as we currently are in quarantine i don´t have  many things to do out of this. I like the computer because it´s easy to use and the number of ways that can serve you in different situations, being very useful. if I did´nt have my computer, it would be very strange for my life because I do everything with the computer it´s my source of entertaiment and learning, but this doesn´t signify that the world ends for me.

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