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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Why did i choose my career

When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a police officer(to catch the bad guys), but after turning eleven years old I wanted to be an Astronaut because I thought that it is amazing to travel around the space and find new forms of life, even this is my dream (sadly a dream)

In the beginning I wanted to study electric engineering but for the score that I had, I decided to study Chemistry at University of Chile, although I also had in my mind to study chemical civil engineering, but I preferred Chemistry because it´s more scientidic, and chemistry is the most important science in the world. Everything is Chemistry.

At the moment, my university experience is good but i don´t live a complete university life because some problems caused that the semester isn´t the same when we are having online classes, but with my group of friend we had a good time in the university but more parties are missing.

The kind of job that expected to have is working in a scientific laboratory, using all my knowledge to discover new elements or thing that help the world ( such as new energies) to improve our live and that of the planet as well

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