A Band /Singer I like

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Why did i choose my career

When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a police officer(to catch the bad guys), but after turning eleven years old I wanted to be an Astronaut because I thought that it is amazing to travel around the space and find new forms of life, even this is my dream (sadly a dream)

In the beginning I wanted to study electric engineering but for the score that I had, I decided to study Chemistry at University of Chile, although I also had in my mind to study chemical civil engineering, but I preferred Chemistry because it´s more scientidic, and chemistry is the most important science in the world. Everything is Chemistry.

At the moment, my university experience is good but i don´t live a complete university life because some problems caused that the semester isn´t the same when we are having online classes, but with my group of friend we had a good time in the university but more parties are missing.

The kind of job that expected to have is working in a scientific laboratory, using all my knowledge to discover new elements or thing that help the world ( such as new energies) to improve our live and that of the planet as well

Thursday, May 7, 2020

My autobiography

Hello everyone, today Im going to talk about myself, for that we can know each  other a little better, so let's start.
I am 19 years old , I was born in Santiago de Chile the day 24th of April 2001 and all my life I have lived in Maipu, I did my elementary school at Bosquinos school and when I was in high school I studied at "Liceo Nacional de Maipu", its a good school because I learned many things that today I have apply to on differents subject in the university. Currently I study Chemistry at University of Chile

I live with my Parents, I have two brothers but only one lives at my house,I have a girlfriend and her name is Fernanda, she is in this English with us,I don't have pets but I would to like have a dog or a cat, In my free time I play video games, play soccer and listen to music but what I do most is playing video games because of quarantine, I play games like League of legends, Valorant, Minecraft , and many more games.
