A Band /Singer I like

Monday, December 14, 2020

My Future Job

 Well I always think this, because in the future I can earn money with this, but I would like work something that I like to do. in this case would be streamer, I imagine this do this in my room all days broadcasting what I play in my computer, trying to entertain the large audience that  I would have, As I mentioned, this job  would be at my house. I could travel a lot thanks to the events that I participated around the world, so I would go to all of them, since I love to travel and see new places. I m studying chemestry, although this has nothing to do with what I really wan to do, but in case I cannot star with  my dream, with the career I study I will able to live for a while thanks to this and  thus in the future fulfill my dream, and with that money obtained buy what is necessary to be able to do it.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Person I would like to meet

For me there are many people who i consider my idols, due to the way of being or what they do and they are role models for me, taking the good from that person, but my dream is to able to meet and be even for a while with Lionel Messi, He is from Argentine nationality and considered the best player in the world, I do not know very well his personality, but from what is appreciated he is a nice person maybe a little reserved, I admire what a great soccer player that he is, I would like to be as good as him, because I´m too bad at playing, even so I like the sport itself, every time he plays a game I see him, be it for his national team or for his Team Futball Club Barcelona, it never cease to impress me with what it manages to do on the pitch, Lionel Messi has many achievements, add nine Leagues, Four Champions league and six kings cups, In addition to being an exceptional footballer, he is a collector of title, both collectively and individually.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

My Favorite Cartoon

 When I was a kid, I watched TV all day and I watch a lot of cartoons, because it was the only thing that I did in the day, but the cartoon that I like the most was "Ben 10". I loved watching this cartoon because, For me it was amazing the things that happened in the episodes of this cartoon, "Ben 10" was released in 2005 and probably I watch all episodes. "Ben 10" was about three people, one teenager with his cousin and his grandfather, the main character was the teenager called Ben that one day he obtained a watch that allowed him to transform himslef into aliens, granting him powers that they had, Cause that made many beings from other planets want to get the watch, going to planet earth to take it from Ben, Obviously Ben would not allow this, and with the help of his alien watch he defends himself against the villains that appear to him, figthing in many places around the world including other planets and galaxies.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Songs and Memories

It Could be that I don`t have a good memory, besides for me it`s difficult to find a moment in my mind that I can remember with a song, I always listen to music, so many songs reminds me the same memories, being only one the most important for me (because the others I don`t remember much, sorry but my memory it`s the worst jajaj) It is when I met my girlfriend the year before in August  2019, One of these songs is "Cristina" (I listen to this song a lot of times), For some reason evey single time that I listen this song I think in her, although her name is not Cristina, But the romanticism of the song makes me remember those times, when we had our first dates. Lately I have not heard this song, but they are marked by this beautiful memory when I met the best person in the world.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

A Country I would like to visit

Hello again, I always wants to travel around the world and select one place to visit its hard, I have a list of places that I have in my mind to visit, but if I need to choose one would be United States, specifically New York, because it is a good  tourist city and see how it feels like to be there, I don´t have idea about this city just there one can find liberty statue (That is always destroyed in movies).  The thing to live in New York city is very difficult, because I should start a new life, all peopple that I meet wouldn´t be there, maybe in distant future  I would think to live in NY, but honestly is a very hard decision,Work or Study in New York not is a bad idea, but it is same that lives there finally. More than going to live. I would like travel around 2-3 months and know the whole city (Visit Central Park, Empire States, Liberty statue and Time Square For example). I better leave it as a nice life experience, because maybe in the future I will get bored of living there.

Monday, August 3, 2020

A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

It is dificult to choose one because this semester was´nt good, I dont knowledge everything that was studied in my five subjects and I don´t have motivation to study such as the last year, but "General Chemestry II " is the subject that I more studied although I did not go to any class of chemestry but I see the clases that the teacher upload to youtube. This semester the contents have they seen was "Thermochemestry, Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Balance, Ionic Balance, Heterogeneous Ion Balance", I like this subject because I think that is interesting and funny. Each content teaches you something totally new, intuitive and that will serve us for future subjects.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

An Expert on your Filed

I really don`t have someone special to name, because I entered in this career without knowing what would become of me, but it someone  who did motivate me in the sciences was a youtuber named "Date un Vlog", Javier Santaolalla Camino" is the youtuber behind the channel, He taught me many things that I was curious about the universe, he is a physics engineer who works in one of the most important physics laboratories in the world (CERN), discovering new particles and trying to find the true origin of the universe, really I don´t know a lot about  his private life but he is a great person, although my career is not the same as his, but he also motivated me to study something related to research science and discover a lot of things.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

A Band /Singer I like

I dont have a favorite Singer or Band, because I listen to a lot of music from all genres, but if i had to choose a group, it would be "TWICE"(For saying something new), although I don´t know the group well and I don´t listen to the songs of this group much, I like their songs, they are a group of women who were selected in a program to belong to this group, debuted in 2015 with their first song "Like OOH-AHH", Belong to the Korean pop genre, I like the group because the songs they have are very catchy an happy, My favorite song is "WHAT IS LOVE", because for me it is very entertaining the song and video of the song.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

A photograph I like

This photo was taken by me , in my vacation this year in Coquimbo, I choose this photo because I like photos of sunsets, or sea. since I find that it is a beautiful landscape that relaxes me when I am there, being a place where I can find peace. On the other hand, it was one of the best vacations i have had because we did many things, going out everywhere and the most important thing is that a very important person in my life, My girlfriend, accompanied me and this photo brings me very nice memories of this vacation.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

My Best Friend

Considering someone as a best friend is very difficult, because  for meI have a lot of friends, but if I have to name someone it would be Pedro, I met him in the school, he was from another class, although during the breaks we played soccer or talked about something, We have been friends for five years, we don´t see each other as much as before but we are still friends. Heis my best friend, because he is very cool and smart, besides he is the one who you ask to go with you and he goes and helps me in difficult times, he is a very good friend. I have not selected a better memory, but each one them was a great, each moment  was a lot laughs.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

My Favorite Piece of Technology

Hello everyone, for me it´s easy to answer about this theme, because I use technology everyday I was born with this, but the one I use the most is the the computer, because for me it´s my favorite piece of technology. the computer I currently haved, It was a gift of my parents at christmas of 2017. I use my computer for a lot of things such as play videogames, watching videos on youtube, search information, study,  watching my social networks, contact with my friends, etc. Practically I use my computer everyday  during all the day as we currently are in quarantine i don´t have  many things to do out of this. I like the computer because it´s easy to use and the number of ways that can serve you in different situations, being very useful. if I did´nt have my computer, it would be very strange for my life because I do everything with the computer it´s my source of entertaiment and learning, but this doesn´t signify that the world ends for me.